You have created your company and want to develop it on the web? It is necessary to pass by the stage of the creation of a website. While this may seem complicated at first glance, a web agency’s solution to carry out the project from A to Z can be a real alternative. Optimum Circle takes a look at the advantages of hiring a professional.
A web agency near you!
Find your web agency
Now you need to find the right web agency. You must first do a market study, according to what each one offers in terms of services and rates, so as not to risk being ripped off. Know that they are often near you. You can find them on directories, search engines or via the social networks. For example, if you are in Normandy and you type on google “web agency Caen”, you will quickly come across many results. But make sure you know what to look for before you decide.
A web agency at your service
Creation of your website from A to Z
Define your project
Site type
For web design, you also need to choose the type of website you need for your business. First of all, the personal website. This is the simplest and cheapest. It is about making a classic website to show what you do. Then comes the showcase site. It can be less provided but must especially, as its name indicates it, be a true window of your company. And therefore make people want to call on you, depending on what you offer. For example, you are a carpenter and want to create a site to show your services, the type of creation you do. The web agency creates with you the most appropriate showcase site. And finally the e-commerce site. The most expensive, but it allows you to sell your products directly on it. They are more and more numerous on the internet.
Define your target
Domain name
Hosting by your web agency
Graphic design and template
Web site developement
A complete and personalized offer for your website
A detailed data analysis
Now the website is done. But it is not always enough. It must generate traffic. This is the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), or natural referencing in French. It is the optimization of the visibility of a website on search engines. Without a good referencing, your website can hardly work well. But you need traffic to convert it into customers. It is the whole site that must be optimized. You have to think about the title tag, the meta description, the h1 to h6 tags, the alt attribute of images, the keywords. But all these rules are not necessarily obvious. You need to rely on a war machine. So call on a web data agency.
Web copywriting
Long-term follow-up: your web agency stays in touch
If you are having difficulty with create your site, Whether it is from a technical or decisional point of view, using a web agency can be an alternative for you. The latter can offer you a complete and personalized offer and create your website from A to Z, from the choice of the domain name, through the template, the hosting to the development of the website. You can also do it yourself if it seems expensive. But know that it is a very good investment for a good site, design and optimized.
If you are convinced, come and try the experience.